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Not Only But Psy
Dernière diffusion le ven. 14 juin 2024 à 23h00
Not Only But Psy
NOT ONLY BUT PSY - 14/06/2024
Diffusé le ven. 14 juin 2024

Tracklist : Artist / Track / Album / Duration

Spécial soirée 303 Expérience : Ohm Spirit :

  • Deedrah / Slinky And Stinky / Body And Soul / 7:06
  • Transwave / Hypnorhythm / Helium / 10:42
  • Deedrah / The Gracenote / Vertigo / 8:30
  • Mini Spacer / Trancedance / The Spirit of Trance / 7:51
  • Transwave / Rising High / Frontfire / 7:10
  • Tsuyoshi Suzuki / Time Begun With The Universe (Astral Projection - Goken Remix) / Deck Wizards / 8:58
  • Mini Spacer / Sunrise / M.U.S.I.C. / Melodies Uniting Souls In Connection / 8:16
  • Tsuyoshi Suzuki / Music Is in Our Blood Cells / 8:14

Mix by TGC

Balt Shakt I
Downliners Sekt