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Not Only But Psy
Dernière diffusion le ven. 14 juin 2024 à 23h00
Not Only But Psy
NOT ONLY BUT PSY - 11/03/2022
Diffusé le ven. 11 mars 2022

Tracklist : Artist / Track / Album / Duration

  • Electrypnose / Gna Gna / Thanks to the family / 11:00
  • Electrypnose / Origines / Alienation / 9:00
  • Electrypnose / Le Druide / Brain Stretching / 8:33
  • Electrypnose / Hors De Controle / Abandon / 9:02
  • Electrypnose / Lunatic Yowie / Funked Up / 6:32
  • Electrypnose / Seeking The Thape / Shape Seeker / 7:26
  • Electrypnose / Fulguropoing / Bloomy Trap / 6:03
  • Electrypnose / Memanditu / Metikulus / 7:17

Mix By TGC: Artiste / Titre du morceau / Album / Durée

  • Weirdos / Self-experimentation / Æmilians / 07:04
  • Ovnimoon / The Honest Meditation / World Of Psytrance 6 / 08:16
  • Goastral / 303 Gathering / World Of Psytrance 6 / 08:49
  • Nova Fractal / Perplexed / World Of Psytrance 6 / 08:03
  • Overload / Speaking Italian /REWIND - Selected by Neutron / 07:07
  • Pulsar / Cygnus / Waves of Resonance, Vol. 4 / 07:14
  • Spiritual Mode & Digital Mode / What is Reality / REWIND - Selected by Neutron / 07:46
  • Chacruna / Healing Plants / REWIND - Selected by Neutron / 08:05
  • Iridian / What Is This Place? / Into The Vortex / 07:31
  • Iridian / Let's Meet At HillTop / Into The Vortex / 07:05
  • Iridian / Shamanic Substances / Into The Vortex / 08:16
  • Atezu / Populus Arboribus / VA - Primitif Festival Vol.2 / 07:31
  • Trashlords / Dark Psyhead 2003 / StoneAge Retro Series 1 / 07:32
  • Gabaa / Grid Fins / VA - Primitif Festival Vol.2 / 08:24
  • Weirdos / Artificial Language / Æmilians / 07:51
  • Xolotl / Pool K áak o / VA - Primitif Festival Vol.2 / 07:17
  • Necropsycho / Behind The Mountains / VA - Primitif Festival Vol.2 / 11:39

Mix TGC Avril Artiste / Titre du morceau / Album / Durée

  • Nostromosis / Cydonia / Cydonia /08:32
  • Taurum / Catatonia / The Infinity Journey / 08:06
  • Psychobass / We Are Going to Mars / The Infinity Journey / 06:38
  • Sacro Taré / Many Years Of Life / Florescence / 06:39
  • Sun69 / Peace in Nature / The Infinity Journey / 08:26
  • Atbloom / Exploring My Body (Original Mix) / Ukiyo / 07:47
  • Lulio / Unnamable / Florescence / 07:18
  • Ork / FraNncaMente / Florescence / 07:35
  • Kamboo / Dreamer / Florescence / 07:17
  • Nostromosis / The Rose Of The Martian Desert / Cydonia / 08:10
Be Like Water
Mark Pritchard